Round or Square Corners: Custom Mylar Bag Printing

A custom mylar bag is a great way to promote your business, brand awareness, and advertising in a unique and eco-friendly way. If you are looking to order a custom printed mylar bag for your business, you may be wondering whether you should order round or square corners. This is a common question for mylar bag printing, so in this article, we will explore the difference between the two and the pros and cons of each.

Why would you choose round corners?

The most common advantage of round corners is that they give a more professional look. The rounded corners can be challenging to see on a bag and sometimes it is hard to differentiate between bags with round corners and bags with square corners. The other advantage of rounded corners is that they are more challenging to fold. This is because the crease is round and it is harder to fold it with a square corner.

What are the benefits of round corners?

If you are looking for a bag with a custom look, round corners are the way to go. They are more eye-catching and more aesthetically pleasing than square corners. A square corner bag will not stand out as much as an around corner bag. If you are looking for a not quite as fancy bag, a square corner bag is a good option.

Why would you choose square corners?

Square corners are the most common shape for bags. This shape is perfect for marketing purposes, as it is more visually appealing on a shelf. However, round corners may be more suitable for some purposes. For example, if you are designing a bag for a store, you might want to consider rounded corners in your design. Round corners are also a more natural shape for a shopping bag. Square corners are more visually appealing on a shelf. Round corners are a more natural shape for a shopping bag.


There are two main options for custom smell proof bags printing: round and square corners. Round corners are the more popular choice, but square corners are great for certain types of bags. So, which should you choose? Round corners are the more popular choice, but square corners are great for certain types of bags. So, which should you choose?